A Frontend focused Software Engineer building the Frontend of Websites and Web Application


Here you will find information about what i do, and my current skills mostly in terms of programming and technology

Get to know me!

I'm a Software Engineer who is self taught and passionate about creating websites and web application. I love to learn, and apply new technologies to my projects. Check out some of my work in the Projects section.

My Skills include: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, React.js, Redux, Tailwind CSS, SCSS, Restful API, & Wordpress . I continue to improve myself as a developer by being diligent to achieve a perfect website and or web application.

I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn, and grow. If you have a good opportunity that matches my skills and experience then don't hesitate to Contact me.

html image css image js image typescript image React js image Redux image tailwind image sass image git image


Here you will find some of the personal projects that I created with each project containing its own description


Kiwi E-commerce

I created this e-commerce site that lets select a product and add it to a cart. You can add the item as a wishlist product to later purchase it. Once you have item in the cart you can checkout and there will be a payment process for it.

Source Code:

Live Site:


Wild Oasis

I created this booking app that let's check in and check out bookings. It also lets you edit, create, delete, update your cabins that you can add to the booking app. The site is also authenticated and authorized to let people create their own accounts to login

Source Code:

Live Site:


Feel free to contact me by submitting the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible